Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus Essential Oil- One of the most essential, essential oils you can keep on hand! Of all the essential oils, eucalyptus is one of the top three you should keep in your home health kit.
100% Pure & Natural eucalyptus globulus
Aromatherapeutic USP
One of the most essential of all the essential oils you can keep on hand! Eucalyptus Essential Oil is one of the top three you should keep in your home health kit, because it's so helpful against so many common health problems.
Long ago, eucalyptus users rolled the plant's dried leaves into cigars and smoked them to gain its benefits. Now the oil is distilled from the leaves of native Australian eucalyptus trees for a much easier and more pleasant ways to enjoy its healthful effects.*
Eucalyptus mixes well with basil, bergamot, cedarwood, citronella, ginger, grapefruit, juniper, lavender, lemon, lime, marjoram, orange, oregano, peppermint, pine, rosemary, spearmint, tea tree, and thyme. The maximum concentration when mixed with a carrier oil should be 20%. (To achieve, mix 20 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil to 1 teaspoon of carrier oil.)
Topically: Dilute Eucalyptus Essential Oil with a carrier oil and then rub on the chest, feet, back, neck and down the spine. Can be used as a "wash" to cleanse wounds. Add 10 drops per ounce of shampoo to help maintain beautiful hair and a healthy scalp.
Diffusing: Eucalyptus Essential Oil can be diffused either in combination or by itself.
Household: Add 10-20 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil to a spray bottle and add warm water. (Add a few drops of your other favorite essential oils as well, if you like.) This can be used to clean and disinfect surfaces. Using this spray on bedding and mattresses can help eliminate bed bugs. Eucalyptus Essential Oil can be added to the laundry detergent to help eliminate bed bugs and dust mites.
Note: Eucalyptus Essential Oil should NOT be used with children under 10 years old. If you are on medications or have a medical diagnosis, please consult with your doctor prior to use because it can interact with medications and is contraindicated in some situations. Eucalyptus Essential Oil should always be diluted when used topically. The maximum concentration with mixed with a carrier oil should be 20% (to achieve, mix 20 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil to 1 teaspoon of carrier oil).
Pregnancy/Nursing: Eucalyptus Essential Oil is not considered appropriate to use while pregnant or nursing.
For some great ideas on oil blends, Eucalyptus is referenced in this blog post: New Favorite Essential Oil Blend... and The Essentials of Essential Oils. For even MORE information on Eucalyptus, read related articles on our blog.
FDA Disclaimer: *This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. |
Manufactured in the USA.
The essential oil GC/MS Testing found here are the testing results that we receive from our supplier. It is not independent or third party testing at this time.
For GC/MS Testing on Beeyoutiful® Eucalyptus Essential Oil, please select the lot# found on your bottle: