Beeyoutiful Balance - 2 oz.
Beeyoutiful Balance™ progesterone cream is specially formulated to help women's bodies achieve hormonal balance. It is rubbed into the skin, absorbs into the fat, and then into the bloodstream with almost complete absorption, as opposed to oral doses of progesterone which filter through the liver. Beeyoutiful Balance is made with luxurious skin-nourishing jojoba oil, expeller pressed avocado oil, and coconut oil. It is lightly scented with refreshing sweet orange essential oil.
Beeyoutiful® Balance™-Bio-Identical Progesterone Cream - 2 oz.
A truly Natural Progesterone cream is now available from Beeyoutiful®!
Many of our customers have requested a safe and truly natural progesterone cream, and it's finally here! Beeyoutiful Balance progesterone cream is specially formulated to help women’s bodies achieve hormonal balance. Progesterone deficiency is epidemic in America, with approximately 90% of women suffering from a host of related symptoms such as PMS, hot flashes, osteoporosis, infertility, early miscarriage, depression, menstrual irregularity, and breast cancer. When applied properly, Beeyoutiful Balance will give the body the physiologic amount of progesterone needed to help bring balance to the hormonal system.
Beeyoutiful Balance™ bio-identical progesterone cream is an all-natural product. It contains no parabens, aluminum, artificial fragrances or colors, and no petroleum products. A 2 oz container should last 1-2 months depending upon individual usage. Please use within 6 months of purchase. We recommend reading What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause, which is very informative on the subject of bio-identical hormones and their use - even for those not experiencing menopause.
Crucial Usage information below. Please make the time to read before using this very powerful and effective hormonal product. We strongly encourage hormone testing prior to using Beeyoutiful Balance™. Should be used with the supervision of a health practitioner familiar with your individual health history.
Using Beeyoutiful Balance bio-identical progesterone cream:
Application: When you first start using Beeyoutiful Balance™ bio-identical progesterone cream, it is a good idea to measure the amount you intend to use with a measuring spoon. This will help you to get a feel for how much you should be applying. Because progesterone only lasts in the body for six to eight hours, it's important to divide your dose into two applications: 1/8 teaspoon in the morning, and 1/8 teaspoon just before bed. Massage the cream into the soft-skinned areas of your body like the inner arms, chest, abdomen, and inner thighs. Always apply after bathing, not before, and don't apply on top of other creams or fragrances. Alternate area of application: Progesterone absorbs rapidly through the skin, into the fat, and then into the bloodstream.
Alternating application sites is suggested for maximum results, as progesterone can "saturate" the fat in one area, lessening its benefits.
Concentration: Based on Dr. John Lee's recommendation that progesterone cream contain 900-1000 mg, Beeyoutiful Balance™ bio-identical progesterone cream contains approximately 1000 mg of USP progesterone per 2 oz container. It is stronger than many creams on the market, so you might find that you don't need as much as you did using another cream. Use common sense and follow Dr. Lee's guidelines. Every woman must adjust the dose to meet her own personal needs. If you do the math, a 2 oz container should last 1-2 months, depending of individual usage.
Remember, if you don't use it consistently, you won't have relief of symptoms! On the other side of the coin, MORE IS NOT BETTER! Keep in mind that it can take up to three months for your body to reach normal physiologic levels of progesterone. The body normally produces between 15-30 mg of progesterone per day, so gauge your use in light of this.
• 1/4 tsp. contains approximately 20 mg progesterone
• 1/8 tsp. contains approximately 10 mg progesterone
Suggested use for Premenopausal women: According to Dr. Lee, most premenopausal women need only 15-20 mg of progesterone a day, which is about what the body would make if it was producing its own progesterone. Some women do better with 30 mg, and others are fine with about 10 mg. The object is to use the lowest possible dose and still have relief of symptoms. For severe PMS or premenopause symptoms, start using the cream on approximately day 12, counting the first day of your last menstrual period as day 1; and continue to use it until day 26 or 27. The decrease in progesterone levels will trigger menstruation within a day or two. For minor symptoms, use the cream fewer days. For cramping, apply cream directly to the abdomen three to four times in a day as needed.
Suggested use for Menopausal women: Menopausal women can use progesterone cream for approximately three weeks out of every month. The monthly 4-7 day break is important for the body to continue to absorb and gain the maximum benefits, so make a calendar and post it in your bathroom, marking the days of use and abstaining. The object is to fall in line with the body's natural rhythm as closely as possible.
Side-effects of Natural Progesterone: Natural Progesterone very rarely has side effects, unlike its synthetic version. According to Dr. John R. Lee, almost all side effects are caused by gross overdose or mixing other hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. Some women report that they experience estrogen dominance symptoms for up to two weeks after starting to use Natural Progesterone Cream, caused by a sensitization of estrogen receptors. Breast tenderness is common, but temporary. If too intense, lower your dose a little until your body adjusts. If a menstruating woman takes natural progesterone out of phase with her cycle, it could change the timing of her period or cause some spotting. All in all, it is extremely rare for a woman to experience genuine side-effects from properly using Natural Progesterone.
Educate yourself on the subject of hormone balance. It is highly recommended that you read one of Dr. Lee's books, or one of the other informative books available on the subject. They will give much more specific details to help you fine-tune your use of natural progesterone cream, bringing the best possible results for YOUR body.
Ingredients: coconut oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, extra virgin olive infused with organic wild yam root, organic comfrey root, cayenne, 1000 mg USP progesterone, sweet orange essential oil, rosemary essential oil, candelilla wax, beezwax.
Important: Please note this product adjusts hormonal balances, although it can be used with great success to achieve and support a pregnancy, we suggest you do so with the guidance of a health practitioner. Also, while nursing, please consult your health practitioner.
Suggested reading:
Dr. Lee's Hormone Balance Made Simple by John R. Lee, M.D.
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Premenopause, by John R. Lee, M.D. and Jesse Hanley, M.D.
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Menopause by John R. Lee, M.D. with Virginia Hopkins
Alternative: Natural Hormones -The Estrogenrmone Therapy with Botanical Progesterone by Raquel Martin with Judi Gerstung, D.C.
For more information on Beeyoutiful Balance, please read these articles, "Playing Favorites" and "Hormone Balance With Natural Progesterone Cream"
Manufactured in the USA.
FDA Notice: The claims herein have not been evaluated by the FDA and are intended for educational use only. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease |
Note: Beeyoutiful Balance™ is a natural product and is best used within 6 months of purchase. Storing in the refrigerator can naturally preserve it for an additional few months.
Ingredients — coconut oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, extra virgin olive oil infused with organic wild yam root, organic comfrey root, and cayenne, 1000 mg USP progesterone, sweet orange essential oil, rosemary essential oil, candelilla wax, beeswax.